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NewsLetters |
A few notes about the Newsletters.
- The Newsletters are listed from the most recent (current); back to the first one.
- The newsletters were originally printed in three column format - whichsometimes does not transfer well to the screen. They are presented here in a singlewide column format which is why they sometimes look funky. Also- the editor is a rank amateur - so cutting him some slack is in order.
- Since they are "old" - Calendar of Events items and ClassifiedAds have been ommited from all but the current issue - this is why some Newsletters are rather "thin".
- Though the intention was (is) to produce 12 issues a year - circumstances sometimes prevented that - so there are "holes" in the list. All of the issues published are online here.
- Articles and /or other help in putting this Newsletter out is solicited and would be greatly appreciated.
- Radio Collecting Today is Copyrighted by the Club. It maybe reproduced in newsletters of other (non-profit) clubs as long as the source is sighted and copyrights noted. The Antique Radio Classifieds and Electric Radio are the only for-profit publications with continuing permission to copy. Any other for-profit publication must obtain permission to copy Radio Collecting Today Articles.
- and lastly - yes - the color pictures in Vol. 5 issue 5 (4-12/96) here were in color in the actual Newsletters. We have color capability - but we use it sparingly as it is a rather high cost factor. (This is probably the most asked question we get about the Newsletters!).
The Mississippi Historical Radio and Broadcasting Society News Letter Archives |
(4/15/99) | Last Issue - Report of the April Meet/Show; Vote to close the club |
(9/4/98) | Current Issue - Report of the April Meet/Show; Radio Collecting Today: A simple battery eliminator - for those old battery sets that collectors "used" to ignore... |
(3/26/98) | Reminder of April Meet/Show; Radio Collecting Today: Besides shaking up the "colecting" side of the hobby - What other impact will the Internet have on the Hobby? (Last of the Series) |
(2/26/98) | Reminder of April Meet/Show; Radio Collecting Today: What's Next? Cathedrals - Catalins - Early Crystal Sets - Deco - Transistors - have all "had their day" -- so what is the "hot" area now? (Test Equipment) |
(1/23/98) | Annoucment of April Meet/Show; Radio Collecting Today: What's Next? Cathedrals - Catalins - Early Crystal Sets - Deco - Transistors - have all "had their day" -- so what is the "hot" area now? (TVs?) |
(12/18/96) | General News - Radio Collecting Today: The Radio Hobby and the World Wide Web |
4 - 12/96 | Our last Meet Report; Birmingham meet report; Fred Stands Tall! (and in color!) |
3/8/95 | 3/95 show announcement |
1/5/95 | Radio Collecting Today: Dynamics of what gets collected: here today - rare (and expensive) tomorrow |
12/7/94 | Radio Collecting Today: Peal Harbour - We did see them coming... |
8/10/94 | Radio Collecting Today: How our tanks "out talked" the Germans... |
7/6/94 | Radio Collecting Today: The BC-348 |
6/6/94 | Radio Collecting Today: The BC-654 (features a couple of good illustrations) |
4/26/94 | 3/94 Meet Report / Parts and stuff Source Directory |
2/26/94 | Radio Collecting Today: The Quandary - It isn't what it was - Now what do you do? |
12/8/93 | Radio Collecting Today: Figuring it out - Part 2 |
9/8/93 | Radio Collecting Today: It's burnt up - no schematic- Now What? - Figuring it out... |
7/8/93 | Radio Collecting Today: Ethical Collecting: Thou Shalt not Steal... |
5/22/93 | A Huge Loss: Don Kresge 1911 - 1993 |
5/7/93 | General News |
3/31/93 | 3/93 Meet report |
2/8/93 | Radio Collecting Today: Dating Radios - Part three |
12/30/92 | Radio Collecting Today: Dating Radios - Part Two |
11/30/92 | Radio Collecting Today: Dating Radios - Part One |
10/25/92 | General News - planning meets, etc. |
9/1/92 | General News |
8/8/92 | General News; Birmingham meet report |
5/8/92 | 3/92 Meet Report; Birmingham meet announcement |
1/15/92 | 3/92 Meet Announcement; Book and Movie reviews |
5/1/91 | First Issue - Introduction - Announcement Birmingham meet 5/91 |
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