United States Navy
Submarine Tenders
USS Proteus AS 19
2006 reunion page
The2nd USS Proteus AS 19 reunion was held at San Diego, CA on October 28, 2006. Approximately fifty shipmates plus wives and guests attended the reunion. All hands had a grand time. The last evening had an extended social hour followed by a catered banquet. The evening was capped off by some short comments and presentations by several crewmembers, with informal socializing and remenicing into the night. |
Paul Castle (fourth from right above) did an outstanding job of putting this reunion together and serving as host. He held a short discussion after dinner about the direction the association was to take; and plans for future reunions - including the possibility of the next one being held at Holy Loch. (We've since learned the Loch Assoc. has already settled on Branson, MO for their next reunion). Paul conluded with recognition of the oldest and yougest crewmembers in attendance. |
Captain Foster (Captain Proteus 6/76 - 6/78) delivered a few remarks about his time aboard and his crew. |
A presentation was made by (former) ET1 Randy Guttery (aboard 9/71 - 12/75), which included a trivia contest - the prize given was an approximately 30" X 25" enlargement of the aerial photo taken of USS Proteus, USS George Washington, SS Alcor, and USS Scorpion at the State Pier, New London Cinnecticut in January, 1961 during the first SSBN Submarine refit. Since no one could come up with the correct answer (Question: what was USS Proteus' first "nick-name" assigned as she received orders as tender to Squadron TWENTY? Answer: "Tip-top tender".) - Plan B called for the photo to be awarded to a plank owner. As Daryll Kibby was (as usual) on his motor cycle (casting doubt on his ability to get the large picture home in one piece) - the picture went to another plank owner. (Daryll will receive another copy shipped to his home). Randy gave a brief talk about the significance of that photo; as well as an acknowledgement of Proteus' World War Two record (a summary by her last war-time captain was posted for all to view). Randy then concluded with a brief presentation about Awards, medals and citations earned - but not necessarily received - and how the service member could look into the issue and endure they indeed have all of the awards they are due. The best website for researching this issue is http://www.navyawards.mil. |
Captain Oliver and his delightful wife -- Capt. Oliver has made some significant contributions to TenderTales over the years. |
Other crewmembers in attendance - in no particular order: |
Bill and Fran Bent taking in the Midway while attending the USS Proteus reunion. |
Obviously - we don't have everyone's picture - if you have a photo we don't - send it to us - and we'll post it! |
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