United States Navy
Submarine Tenders
USS Proteus AS 19 Page 2
More Proteus Pictures and stories (mostly pictures!). |
The Proteus in WWII Camoflage with several boats along side |
VAdm. J.S. McCain and Cdr. J.S. McCain Jr.
at end of WWII aboard Proteus at Tokyo Bay |
Some Sailor enjoying a break at the Proteus'
geedunk (ship's service area) - WWII |
This picture has been identified by (former DK2) Stanley O. Sharp as having been taken during one of the 1968 "exchanges" during which Proteus took 5 months off for self-overhaul at SRF Guam. He has identified the five ships: (L-R) USS Stonewall Jackson (SSBN-634), USS Proteus (AS-19), USS Furman (AK-280), USS Hunley (AS-31) and USS Daniel Boone (SSBN-629). |
Uss Proteus - Engineering Department - 1980's
Thanks to Scott Freeman - we have a chance to once again see some of the machinery that made Proteus "go". The following tour of some Engineering spaces offers a trip down nostalgia alley for some of us - an education for others. A HUGE THANKS to Scott for sharing his memories with the rest of us!!! |
Our Host on watch in the after engineroom |
Welcome to the After Engine Room, Proteus AS-19 |
Two of three Main Propulsion Engines
EMD (General Motors) 16-645E5 16 cylinder
each rated at 2875BHP @900RPM
That's one of the propeller shafts running between them. |
Two more of the 16-645E5s
One propulsion - the other is a SAS generator
(Ship along Side - 2000KW 440 3phase for the boats when being worked on) |
Ship's Service Generator --AC for the ship's own use
EMD 12-645E5 2100 BHP @900 RPM.
Produces 1000KW 440 3phase power |
That's one of the main propulsion shafts with the small foot-bridge crossing over it. |
Control Station |
Instrument cluster |
Oil filters and circulation |
Piping of fuel, oil, cooling water, etc. |
Yes - there truly is a bilge - and yes - it too must be checked. |
Other Engineering spaces and places |
Oil King Shack. How do you get emergency power about the ship
if you've taken torpedos - and the engine rooms are flooded?
Located on the Main Deck - two decks above the water line -
is the Oil King's Shack. It serves as office space - and the
home to an emergency generator |
Even engineering types get to sleep - Engineering berthing area |
The Captain's Gig is also the responsibility of the Engineering Department |
Again a HUGE THANKS to Scott Freeman for sharing these pictures with us!!!!
Also - be sure and check out his collection of photos of Polaris Point, Andy's Hut and Site 4 in the Guam section of Deployments. |
Tip Top Times - Volume IV Monday August 27, 1945 Number 11
PROTEUS- like most of the larger ships with the facilities to do so - published a newspaper with items thought to be of interest to the Crew. Sometimes - as in this case - the newspaper serves more than it's intended purpose - as it presents a rather unique "snap shot" of that part of the world at the very end of World War II. Proteus had just arrived in Japanese waters - and was cruising just off the coast of Honshu. Hostilities were supposed to be ending - but there were some fighting units that didn't get "the word" right away - and some Japanese fighters just didn't want to quit - and were still taking "pot shots" at the enemy - which included U.S. Warships. There was much anticipation about the coming activities over the next week -- from the formal surrender ceremonies - to going ashore and disarming the fomer enemy - finding and repatriating prisoners of war - and dozens of other activities - which to this point - no one was sure what was going to happen. It had been a long and brutal war - full of sacrifice and hard times.
Our intention, then is to present this record as accurately as possible - to help convey the essence of the place and time. The copy we have is in very poor condition - litterally falling apart, particularly at folds, etc. We have reproduced it here as verbatim as our skills allow - complete with the errors as they are. We know there are mis-spellings, things missing, wrong ships listed, etc. - but that's the way it is - and was - when World War II finally ended. Historical specifics are discussed at the end of the newspaper.

Vast Allied air and sea forces converged on disarming Japan Sunday, prepared to send at least 17,500 fighting man in on the first wave of Thursday's occupation, delayed two days by typhoons. The first of a dozen Army Transport Planes will land Tuesday instead of Sunday at Atsugi Airfield, carrying experts to got that Base, eighteen riles from downtown Tokyo, in shape for the main forces, following two days later. Seaborne Forces and Supply Convoys moved out of the Philippines. The Mighty US Third and Fifth, and the British Pacific Fleets at Battle Alert, steamed near Japan ready to spill 10,000 armed Marines and Sailors onto the shores of Tokyo Bay in supporting waves Thursday. Massed Allied Air Might at 0kinawa poised to drop 7500 fully armed Air Troopers at Atsugi when General MacArthur arrives the some day to carry Allied Military Rule to the once arrogant Island Empire. The Fleet was prepared to blast Tokyo with 100 massed guns at the first hint of treachery, and the Air Forces were armed and primed to shoot any would be suicide planes from the skis. As Japanese broadcasts told of unrest disorders, and Hara Kari at home over the prospect of occupation, Emperor Hirohito issued a rescript to his armies telling them to disarm and to return to the ways of peace. MacArthur announced that a series of typhoons had forced him to delay the whole occupation schedule by 48 hours. That means the articles of surrender will be signed September Second, instead of August 31, aboard the Mighty Battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay.
The final Japanese surrender ceremony aboard the Battleship Missouri can be witnessed by hundreds of spectators, if it is held on the open deck where as many as 2,000 crewmen regularly assembles for movies. This Flagship, which cannot now be identified by name is identical with the powerful Missouri. Her fantail extends more than 200 foot from her after battery, of sixteen inch guns, to her stern. Officers here said it would be feasible, weather permitting to hold surrender ceremonies on the Missouri's fantail. The largest wardroom below decks accommodates only two hundred men.
It's still anyone's guess whether Admiral Halsey will ride Emperor Hirohito's white horse through Tokyo. Admiral Raymond A. Spruance, Fleet Commander, was asked of his opinion in a press conference aboard his Flagship here. "I can't predict. I don't know whether the Emperor's white horses survived the bombing, and I also don't know," he added with a twinkle, "how long it has been since Halsey has ridden a white horse".
General lssimo Chaing Kai Shek's Government Forces have entered Shanghai and Nanking, China's prewar Capital, Field Dispatches said Saturday, while Rival Communist Forces were reported marching on those two cities, and also driving toward Hong Kong and Canton. Military dispatches acid the Governments pride Guerrilla force, the "Loyal and Patriotic Army" had occupied Western Shanghai and the Pootung Industrial District, Across the Whangpoo River from the great Metropolis.
San Francisco:-
Group Suicides in front of the Imperial Palace were reported Saturday by Tokyo Radio, in a broadcast painting a picture of increasing "sorrow and Gloominess" among the Japanese as they taste "the bitter defeat in battle". Fear of some terrible incident of bloodshed due to merely one worthless and unnecessary act of some thoughtless persons, was expressed by Isama Inouye, a Tokyo Radio Commentator, in an English language message addressed to Japanese overseas and recorded by the FCC,.
A nucleus of 400 warships and 8000 planes was suggested for our postwar Navy by Navy Secretary, Forestall.
Russian Army and Navy Forces in twin Amphibious Operations occupied two Japanese ports in Korea end on Sachalin Island Saturday, while a seven day Soviet Bag of Japanese Prisoners jumped to more than 370,000 Moscow Reported Saturday night.
Receiving a doctors degree from Santo Tomas University Law School, General MacArthur told an Audience that the Far East was about to enter an enlightened age where its people might progressively attain "that higher degree of dignity which the war has been fought to preserve.
The Battleship Pennsylvania was the American Vessel damaged by Jap Plane torpedo off Okinawa on August 12, 1945, Admiral Nimitz announced from Guam., Twenty men were reported killed or missing.
WASHINGTON: Rep. Jed Johnson, said Saturday, President Truman had accepted his invitation to attend a field artillery show at Fort Sill, Oklahoma sometime this fall.
WASHINGTON, 26 August: President Truman has approved a program for an additional 29,000 hospital beds for war veterans. The White House said Saturday, the President has asked General Bradley, veteran's administrator, to expedite selection of sites for these beds.
CHUNGKING 26 August: Three American heroes of the famed Doolittle raid on Japan came out Saturday from three years of dark, silent confinement by the Japanese; one said he had been sentenced to execution, a fate met by some of his fellow fliers. The skin of their hollow checks crinkled into smiles as a big C-47 transport landed them at a Chungking airdrome. Free men among free men again were Lt. Chase J. Nielson of Hyrum, Utah, Lt. Robert L. White of Earth, Texas, and Sgt. Jacob D. Deshazer formerly of Madras, Oregon.
LONDON, 26 August: The New Delhi radio, heard by BBC, said Saturday, General, Namata, Japanese Army Chief of Staff in the Maylay Stales, was due in Rangoon Sunday to receivesurrender terms from the British Chief of Staff to Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten.
SOFIA, 26 August: The Bulgarian government Saturday announced the indefinite postponement of the general election, scheduled Sunday, and said the action was taken on recommendation of the allied control commission. The announcement followed sharp notes from both Britain and the United States regarding the composition of the present government, and the conditions under which the elections were arranged.
NEW ORLEANS, 26 August: A dangerous tropical hurricane, whipping at 110 miles an hour force over the Gulf of Mexico, bore down Saturday night toward the Port Aransas, Freeport section of the Texas coast. Storm-wise resident's of the area, many of them survivors of disasterous blows, hurried their preparations for weathering the winds and tides. The storm was moving north northwestward about ten miles an hour, and the Weather Bureau reported indications then were that the center would cross the coastline late Saturday night or Sunday morning between Fort Aransas and FreePort. Already rough seas and high tides were reported along the lower Texas coast. The Texas Department of Public Safety and the American Red Cross went into immediate action.
August 26: Eight-ounce pocket editions of radio telephones, with a range of three miles and costing $25.00 will be on the market within six months, according to Richard Mahler of Harvey-Wells Communications, Ind.
BOSTON, 26 August: Restaurant patrons, raised questioning eyes today when they found small yellow squares beside their bread. Veteran employees said, "It's butter."
MT. PLEASANT MICH., 26 August: Central Michigan College held, Saturday, the title of victor in the notion's first collegiate football game of the 1945 season, turning back Alma College for an easy thirteen to zero triumph.
Washington, 26 August: The government is going all out to get private plants back into peacetime production, giving second emphasis to the government plants. Officials believe many of the federally owned factories will stand idle for years to come and perhaps forever. The aim now is to got the thousands of privately owned plants cleared of the left-overs of munition productions, paid off for their services, and refitted quickly for civilian goods manufacture. Top officials now se the private plants as the prime key to rapid reconversion and the prompt opening of job opportunities for veterans end laid off war workers. They will get first attention.
26 August: Within a year the AAF will discharge more than 1,000,000 non, with a peak discharge rate of approximately 150,000 monthly, Major General Fred L. Anderson, Assistant Chief of Air Staff, reveled in a radio address. Declaring present AAF strength is 2,300,000, General Anderson indicated that the Air Forces will require strength of about 700,000
WASHINGTON, 26 August: Effective September 1, said Commodore F. G. Reindye New York Port Director, the Navy officially returns the control of ship movements and communications to private owners. Restrictions on ship to shore, or agent to private operator messages, throughout the world, have been lifted. However, Merchant shipping will still remain under requisition to the War Shipping Administration.
NewYork Times:-Aug. 24-"With the threat of civil war hanging heavy over China, and therewith over the whole newwon peace in the Far East, a move appears to be underway to avert it through intervention by the U.S., Great Britian, and Russia. The supreme interest which the three big powers have in preserving the peace they paid so much to win, would seemto justify almost any action serving that end. There can be little doubt that a joint declaration by them, affirming their continuing solidarity in respect to the situation in China, and officially clarifying their attitude toward both the Chinese communists and present China cabinet regime, might turn out to be a great contribution to that cause. Such a declaration could, therefore, be only welcomed. But if the intervention were to make the shape of a formal demarche at the communist headquarters in Yenan, it could only pour oil on fires that are still smouldering.
"The wartime argument in favor of controlling all prices namely, that labor and materials would be diverted to the production of items unessential to the war effort - is no longer applicable. On the contrary, it is to just such products that our resources should now flow. Only in this way can we create the jobs required for displaced war workers and war veterans. Our price policy must be reconsidered immediately and made much less rigid, this not to become a barrier to greater production and employment.
"The supervision of an election by foreign governments is at best erumeiy. In his extra Frank press conference on Weds., Secretary of State Byrnes said he had opposed the plan, but favored the kind of observation which could be had through the unhampered activities of a free press, Free and uncensored reporting in Eastern Europe might be the best way out of a trouble some delemma. And since Russia, through Mr. Stalin, has already accepted the principle of full freedom to report, she should experience no loss of prestige in letting the principle be put into practice.
"Certainly one of the most thrilling incidents of the war full of bold deeds has been the dropping of selected items by parachute to bring encouragment, food, and medicine to allied prisoners of war and civilian internees in the stolen empire of Japan. The whole plan, bold in conception and excution, undoubtedly has done much to hasten the evacuation of captured warriors and interned civilians out of enemy hands. It is a bright chapter in the Pacific War.
Washington: Aug 26:- Postmaster General, Hannegan, said yesterday, that Warm Springs was chosen as the symbol for the late Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial Stamp, because "It seemed best to express the man's great quality, the quality of mercy". In a broadcast address naming the first day sale of the two sent stamp, he said the Warm Spring Foundation stood forth as a sign of the late President's own triumph over affliction-his desire to help all men.
Stricken with heart disease, Vice Admiral, Willis A. Lee Jr, USN veteran of Pacific engagements against the Japanese, died unxpectedly Saturday aboard a launch bearing him to the Battleship Wyoming, his Flagship, in Casco Bay. Holder of the Navy Cross, The legion of merit, and the distinguished service medal for outstanding service in the Pacific war, Admiral Lee was engaged here in secret tactical assignment.
WASHINGTON, 26 August:
The French Government is planning to use one million German prisoners of war for two years in reconstruction of its de-
cities and lands. This was learned Saturday from the group which accompanied General DeGaulle to Washington for his talk with President Truman which both French and American officials say have bean quite successful in laying a basis of postwar friendship and cooperation between this country and France.
24th National League
Chicago 74 41 643 St Louis 71 47 602
Brooklyn 64 52 552 New York 64 55 538
Pittsburg 63 59 516 Boston 54 66 450
Cincinnati 46 70 397 Philadelphia 35 81 302
Detroit 68 49 581
Washington 67 49 578
St. Louis 60 55 522
Chicago 60 56 517
Cleveland 59 57 509
New York 56 05 505
Boston 55 63 466
Philadelphia 36 77 319
Pacific Coast League today San Francisco 6 Sacramento 2
Yesterday results Portland 7 Los Angeles 3 Seattle 7 Oakland 3 San Diego 4.
Southampton:Aug 26:- Alejo Russell, the Argentine ace, held Saturday, a slight edge over Lt. Hal Surface, of Kansas City, as the two resumed their postponed five set, semifinal match in the Meadow Club's Invitation Tournament. The pair started play in a light rain Friday, and Surface won the first set, 8 to 6. Russell came back to take the second, 6 to 4, and led 2 to 1 in the third when a heavy downpour forced postponement of the contest. Women stars at nearby Easthampton also were stalled by the rain.
New York: Aug 24:- Rocky Graziano, 154, Now York, knocked out Freddie Cochrane, 143, Elizabeth,New Jersey, in ten rounds.
Toledo: Eddie Smith, 142, Rochester,N.Y. outpointed Ace Miller, 141 1/2, Toledo, in ten rounds. Worcester, Mass: Timothy "Buddy" Hayes, 126, knocked out Sgt. Chuck Jackson, 130, Pittsgurg in seven rounds. New Orleans: Sgt. Anthony Jones, 174, Chicago and Ross Stickland, 172, Philadelphia, fought to a draw in ten rounds.
Radio Washington, August 25, 1945. - Powerful forces of the U. S. Pacific Fleet have been assembled in the waters off the coast of Japan for operations in connection with the first coming occupation of Japan. The naval forces scheduled to enter Jap waters in the first stages of the naval occupation to the Tokyo area of the enemy home islands, are under the operational control of Admiral William F. Halsey, Commander U.S. Third Fleet in his flagship the U.S.S. Missouri. These forces, and those in immediate support, including the following ships:
Battleships (12): Idaho, Mississippi, New Mexico, West Virginia, Colorado, Missiouri, Iowa, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Alabama, Indiana and North Carolina.
Aircraft Carriers (17): Intrepid, Antitam, Bennington, Ticondoroga, Yorktown, Shangi La, Bon Homme Richard, Lexington, Hancock, Randolph, Wasp, Cabot, Cowpens, Independence, Belleau Wood, Monterey, Bataan.
Escort Aircraft Carriers (6): Gilbert Islands, Makin Island, Thetis Bay, Roy, Munda, and Hollandia.
Cruisers; (20) Quincy, Chicago, Boston, St. Paul, Vicksburg, Detroit, Pasadena, Springfield, Wilkes Barre, Amsterdam, Atlanta, Dayton, Oklahoma City, Topeka, Duluth, Tuscon, Oakland, Flint, San Diego, San Juan.
Destroyers (90) Taylor, Nicholas, O'Bannon, Buchanon, Lansdowne, Lardner, Stevenson, Gillespie, Kalk, Stocktown, Nicholson, Wilkes, Woodsworth, Terry, Bristol, Hopewill, Ross, Yarnal, C. R. Bronson, Cotten, Healy Gatling, Halsey Powell, Duncan, Rogers, Barton, Walke, O'Brien, Lowry, Allen M. Summer, R.K. Huntington, Myles C. Fox, Hawkins, Chevalier, Perkins, Franks, Thorn, Dortch, Ingraham, Twining; Stockham, Wedderburn, Cogswell, Caperton, Ingersoll, Knapp, Frank Knox, Cushing, Colahan, Uhlmann, Breenham, John Rodgers, Harrison, McKee, Murray, Ringgold, Schroeder, Dashel, English, C. S. Sperry, Ault, Waldron, J. W. Weeks, Hank, Wallace L. Linderben, Walker, Hale, Black, Bullard, Chauncey, Benner, Rowe, Smalley, Stoddard, Watts, Wren, De Haven, Mansfield, Lyman, K. Swenson, Collett, Maddox, Blue, Brush, Taussig, Samuel N. Moore, Hiqbcr, Norman Scott, Wadleigh, Heermann, Higbee.
Destroyer Escorts(24)Bangust, Joseph F. Connolly, Crowley, Deede, William C. Miller, Donaldson, Waterman, Mitchcll, Dionne, Leray, Wilson, Griswold, Lyman, Weaver, Reynolds, Canfield, Willorath, Lake, Hilbert, Kyne, Lamon, Elden, Carlson, Cabana, and McCelland.
Auxiliaries and Amphibious Craft.
Tankers (36): Taluga, Ashtabula, Cacapon, Mantahala, Chipola, Sabine, Patuxent, Caliente, Houstoic, Kinnebago, Cache, Pamanset, Kaskaskia, Tappaha, Aucilla, Escalante, Neshanic, Cimmaron, Neosho, Kankakee, Marias, platte, Neches, Chikaskia, Schuylkill, Tomahawk, Merrimack, Lackawanna, Mascoma, Escambia, Chicopee, Manatee, Caney, Atascosa, Sebec, and Tamalpais.
Fast Transports(10)Barr, Sims, Reeves, Pavlic, Runels, H.A. Bass, C. Wartuck, Gosselin, W. J. Pattison, Begor.
Transports(6) Garrard, Merewether, Lanier, Mellette, Braxton and Grimes.
Cargo Ships (3) Alcyone, Thuban and Waukesha.
Ammunition Ships (8) Lassen, Shasta, Mauna Loa, Wrangell, Vesuvius, Mazama, Firedrake and Akutan.
Minesweepers (7) Hopkins, Ellyson, Hambleton, Gherardi, Jeffers, Macomb and Fitch.
Seaplane Tenders (5) Cumberland Sound, Hamlin, Gardiners Bay, end. Suisun and Mackinac.
Minesweepers (6) Revenge, Token, Tumult, Pochard, Requisite and Sage.
Hospital Ships (3) Tranquility, Benevolence and Rescue.
Motor Minesweepers (12) YMS 177, 268, 275, 276, 343, 362, 461, 37l, 390, 415, 426, 441, and 467.
Fleet Tugs (4) Chawasha, Molala, Wenache and Moctobi.
Minelayers (2) Gin end Frazer.
Destroyer Tenders (1) Piedmont.
Submarine Tenders (1) Proteus.
Auxiliary Mine Layers (1) Picket.
Landing Ships Vessell (2) Ozark and Monitor.
Submarine Rescue Vessels (1) Greenbelt.
Repair Ship (1) Delta
Repair Ships (landing craft) (2) Endipraen and Patroclus.
Provision Storeships (1) Aldebaran.
U.S. Auxiliary (1): Argonne
Landing Ships(4): Ock, Shadwell, San Marcos and,Catamount
Landing Ships Tank (LST) (5): 667,789,1139,1083, and 648.
Landing Ships Medium (LSM) (13): 252, 208, 290, 362, 368, 371, 419, 488, 13, 71, 101, 284 and 15
Lading Craft Support (LCS) (32): 81, 82, 83,84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 114, 115, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78 and 79.
Landing Craft Infantry (LCI) (10): 647, 649, 785, 1068, 1069, 1070, 1024, 1026,762 and 763.
Landing Craft Infantry (G) (8): 450, 457, 468, 726, 752, 438, 441 and 458.
The following ships are included in the units of the British Pacific Fleet, now operating with Admiral Halsey's forces:
Battleships (2) HMS Duke of York and HMS King George Fifth.
Aircraft Carriers (1) HMS Indefagitable
Cruisers (2) HMS New Foundland and HMS Gambia.
Hospital Ship (1) Tjitjalengka.
Destoryers (12) HMS Wagner, Whelp, Bargleur, Anzac, Napier, Wrangler, Wakeful, Troubledge, Tormagent, Tenacious, Terpichore and Teazer.
&bnsp; |
Discussion of historical and other issues in the above Tip Top Times.
As a point of reference - Japan is west of the international Dateline - so is "ahead" of the United States by nearly 24 hours - so it was still Sunday when this was written.
We now know, of course - that Adm. Spruance's flagship was the USS NEW JERSEY (BB 62) - poised ready to take command should some treachery cause those gatherd at the ceremony to become unable to continue command. Spruance had the bulk of the Pacific Carriers stationed at strategic posts ready to continue the war should the need arise. Fortunately - it didn't.
It should also be noted that both General MacArthur and Adm. Nimitz issued orders that the Japanese were to be treated with respect - which in light of Hirohito's orders to the Japanese Military - helped set a tone that didn't escalate into trouble.
The White Horse: In Washington, Halsey had been asked by a reporter whether the Japanese Royal Palace was a target. Flippant as usual, the Admiral replied that while a bomber might hit it by mistake, he hoped not - as he wanted to ride the Emporer's horse. Indeed - Hirohito had a magnificent white horse - that any rider would be delighted to ride. The "White Horse" comment caught on - even one of the Admiral's ships became nick-named "the White Horse". The Oiler USS NECHES caught the "prize" of refueling "The White Horse" - and even painted on her bridge a frightened buck-toothed white horse being chased by a winged oil can.
In the editorial section - the third paragraph with the quotation attributed to Secretary of State James F. (Frank) Byrnes - a word he uses "eureiy" is believed to be miss-spelled. We believe the word to be "eurely" - however we have not been able to determine what the word actually was. It is reproduced here as it appears in the original. We had to "guess" as some words through damaged and missing sections - however we're very sure of the spelling of this word on the original.
In the paragraph "French Use of POWs" - one line ends - "of it's de-" and the next line starts "cities and lands". Obviously- something is missing - that's just the way it is.
Ships lists in the "Occupation Armada" - while we've tried to make sure that the list is accurate as to content - the original has no spacing between ships names - making it very difficult to read. Also - there were a couple of "hand corrections" made that were difficult to discern. Any errors here - let us know. Omissions, while unfortunate - will not be corrected - as again - we're trying to keep this document as original as posible.
Excerpts from the August 1965 issue of the Proteus Star Newspaper... |
[personal note from the Webmaster: I worked for Ron King aboard Proteus in 1975 -
yes - the same Ron King here- Of course he'd made Master Chief by then --- ] |
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