USS Dixie | USS Dixie Tender and flagship for the Atlantic Torpedo Flotilla | Displacement (tons) | 6,114 | | Built / Launched | 1893 | Length | 391' 6" | | Built By | Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., Newport News, Va; | Beam | N/A | | Class | Dixie | Draft | 19' 11" | | Commisioned | 1898 | Speed (rated) | 14kts. | | Decommissioned | 6/30/1922 | Compliment | 224 | | Disposition | Sold |
| The first Dixie, a steam brig, was built in 1893 as El Rio by NewportNews Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., Newport News, Va; purchased by the Navy15 April 1898, and arrived at Santiago de Cuba on 19 June. Attached toEastern Squadron, North Atlantic Fleet, she cruised in the West Indiesduring the Spanish-American War on blockade duty and convoying Armytransports. During 27 and 28 July she participated in the capture of Ponce,Puerto Rico, landing an armed force which received the surrender of thetowns of Ponce and La Playa. She sailed from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, 24August and arrived at Philadelphia 22 September, where she was placed out ofcommission 7 March 1899. Between 15 March and 15 July she was on loan tothe War Department for use as a transport. |  | Recommissioned 15 November 1899 Dixie began service as a training shipfor recruits. From 17 December to 8 August 1900 she sailed to the WestIndies, the Mediterranean, through the Suez Canal to the Philippines whereshe transferred men to the base at Cavite, returning to the United States bythe same route. Another training cruise was made from 29 September 1900 to28 February 1901, during which she visited the Azores, Madeira, Gibraltar,and Mediterranean ports, returning by way of the West Indies and La Guaira,Venezuela, to Norfolk. She transferred men and stores to the South AtlanticStation between 7 May and 3 July 1901, then made another training cruise tonorthern European waters and the Mediterranean between 24 July 1901 and 7May 1902. From 14 May to 6 June 1902 she was on special duty, transportingprovisions and supplies for the relief of victims of the volcanic eruptionson Martinique and St. Vincent in the West Indies. She went out ofcommission at New York Navy Yard 21 July 1902. Dixie was recommissioned 1 October 1903 and joined the CaribbeanSquadron, North Atlantic Fleet. She served principally as a transport onthe east coast, in the Caribbean, and Canal Zone, carrying Marines, recruitsfor training, and drafts of men for other vessels, as engaging in targetpractice for her crew and Reserves. Assigned to the Special ServiceSquadron, she steamed from Philadelphia 26 June 1905 to carry a party ofscientists to the Mediterranean to observe the solar eclipse of 30 August.She arrived at Bone, Algeria, 21 July, and established Eclipse Station No. 2for these observations. Returning to Philadelphia 13 October she wasreturned to a non-commissioned status 10 days later. In commission again from 2 July 1906 to 1 November 1907 shetransported Marines and stores to the Caribbean and cruised in that area toprotect American interests. She remained out of commission until 2 February1909 when she was assigned as tender to Atlantic Torpedo Flotilla andDestroyer Squadron, Atlantic Fleet. She cruised on the east coast, in theCaribbean, and in the Gulf of Mexico in this service. In addition to hertender duty she towed submarines; transported Marines and crews for otherships; carried the Nicaraguan expeditionary force to Colon C.Z.; and tookpart in the operations off Mexico during April and May of 1914, transportingsupplies and refugees. She returned to Philadelphia 16 December 1915. From 19 June 1916 to 6 May 1917 Dixie served as tender for DestroyerForce, Atlantic Fleet; engaged in gunnery exercises with destroyers andmaneuvers with the fleet; delivered stores and mail; transported refugeesfrom Mexico to Galveston, Tex; and served as tender to Squadron 4, PatrolForce, at Key West. With American entry into World War I, Dixie departed Philadelphia 31May 1917 to join U.S. naval forces operating in European waters. Arrivingat Queenstown, Ireland, 12 June she served as tender for American destroyersbased at that port until 15 December 1918, except for a period of similarduty at Bremerhaven (21 June-27 August 1917). Returning to Philadelphia 22February 1919 Dixie served as tender to destroyer flotillas operating on theeast coast, and in the Caribbean. Classified AD-1 on 17 July 1920 shearrived at Philadelphia 16 July to tend the destroyers in reserve atPhiladelphia Navy Yard. From 5 April 1921 to 17 May 1922 she was againtender to Destroyer Squadrons, Atlantic Fleet, cruising along the east coastfrom New York to Charleston, S.C. Dixie was decommissioned 30 June 1922 andsold 25 September of the same year. {History from the Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships} USS Tonopah |  | Table of Ships |  | Go to TenderTale Main Page |  | © 1997, 2006 Common Cents Computers | |