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The closing of the Museum: By a unanimous vote of the membership present at the 1999 Business Meeting held during the 1999 Annual Meet - The Mississippi Historical Radio and Broadcasting Society was dissolved and all operations ceased effective noon, April 10, 1999. At that time, the Virtual Museum was closed, due to a lack of funding, etc. for server space, etc. The details are explained in the last issue of the Club's News Letter, reproduced below. The return of the Museum: It's perhaps somewhat ironic that the state that had - for so many years - suffered a reputation of being backwards, and one of the last places in the country to benefit from technology and the entertainment industry - is now finding it's way towards the fore-front of both. Those who might be interested in more on this subject are welcome to visit Mississippi: Believe It! Over the years - Common Cents Computers has received numerous requests for access to the museum by people doing research - and those that were merely curious about the museum's perspective on the history of radio and broadcasting - that perspective being that of the rural South - particularly the poor state of Mississippi. With Common Cents Computers recent move to it's new server location - file size / space is no longer an issue - so it's our pleasure to once again make available the Virtual Museum. Some things to remember - this is a vitual museum - is does NOT exist in the phsyical world - there is no "place" to visit. All of the radios and displays are real - and are (or were) the property of various members of the society. The museum (this site) is presented as it was originally - which means the code and technology of the display is nearly ten years old- so it is rather simple and even rough around the edges in many places. So enjoy your "visit" here - keeping these things in mind. Click here to enter the Museum | |
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The Mississippi Historical Radio | |
Vol 8 #1 Final | April 15, 1999 |
News LetterThe meeting was called to order by President Randy Guttery. Old business was called for, none presented. The reading of the minutes of the last annual member's meeting were waived. The financials were read by President Randy Guttery, the financial report was approved as read. That report attached to - and hereby made a part of these minutes. New Business was called for. President Randy Guttery noted that participation in the club was seriously lacking - that there are presently only 16 dues paying members - and only 8 have shown up and are present for this annual meeting. Because of this fact - and the prospect of dwindling membership and participation - President Randy Guttery made the motion that the Mississippi Historical Radio and Broadcasting Society be dissolved and all activities be discontinued. There was a discussion among the membership about alternatives, etc. but the discussion was in basic agreement that the club was no longer viable. Several members indicated that they wished to maintain an informal association - and that they supported any effort in that direction. President Randy Guttery noted that once the club was officially terminated - everyone would be free to meet, etc. as individuals - without any legal requirements nor potential liabilities - but that such individual actions would be outside the entity of the "club". After approximately 15 minutes of discussion, the motion was put forward by President Randy Guttery to formally dissolve and terminate the Mississippi Historical Radio and Broadcasting Society. The motion was seconded by Vice President Bill Gerk. The vote was called for. The motion carried unanimously (8 eye; 0 nay). There was a short discussion about an informal "get together" for next year - President Randy Guttery noted that that would be outside of the "clubs" business. Having voted to discontinue the club and all of it's operations - President Randy Guttery noted that there were several orders of business that needed to be addressed by the membership. Each item was noted to be in accordance with the Club's bylaws. 1) President Randy Guttery noted that the membership should authorize the current board to serve until all business of the Club could be completed. The formal motion was made by Richard Alvin, seconded by Loyd Gardner. Passed unanimously. 2) President Randy Guttery noted that according to the bylaws, any remaining assets need to be distributed to another radio club. Vice President Bill Gerk noted that a new club is being started in Baton Rouge by Phil Boydston - and he made the motion that the remaining assets be transferred to that club. President Randy Guttery noted that any club the remaining assets were transferred to must be an active club with non-profit status. Vice President Bill Gerk then added to his motion that the Baton Rouge club be the beneficiary of the remaining assets provided they were formally organized, and met all requirements - otherwise that the Alabama Historical Radio Society be made the beneficiary of the remaining assets. Richard Ahlvin seconded the motion - it carried unanimously. 3) President Randy Guttery noted that several "housekeeping" items needed to be attended to by the outgoing board - including notifying ARC to discontinue the club's listings and notices; and a final newsletter should be sent out to the membership as the role stands as of this date (4/10/1999) announcing the dissolution of the club, and noting the transfer of assets, etc. In the discussion that followed - it was also noted that two members had "3 for 5" renewals in their first year, and three members had just joined within a couple of months. It was suggested that these dues be refunded to those individuals. This was put forward as a motion by president Randy Guttery - seconded by Richard Ahlvin, and passed unanimously. 4) There being no further business - Richard Ahlvin made the motion to adjourn the business meeting - seconded by Vice President Bill Gerk. The motion carried unanimously. End of the minutes of the Members' Business Meeting held 4/10/1999. In accordance with the votes of the membership - this news letter serves to notify that the following actions have been completed: 1) All bills, obligations and refunds of the Mississippi Historical Radio and Broadcasting Society have been paid. 2) The group meeting in Baton Rouge, LA headed by Phil Boydston has not yet formally set up as a club - having no charter, bylaws and is not collecting dues - and has not applied for non-profit status. Therefore the remaining assets of the Mississippi Historical Radio and Broadcasting Society have been transferred to the Alabama Historical Radio Society, Birmingham, Alabama (and it's Don Kresge memorial Antique Radio Museum at Fairfield, AL). 3) All required notices, cancellation of advertising and meeting notices have been made. 4) The club's Internet Site has been removed - leaving only a "notice" page noting the dissolution of the club and a copy of this news letter. 5) The books have been completed and - with the transfer of the remaining assets - the Balance Sheet shows zero Assets and zero Liabilities / Equity. This concludes the business of the Mississippi Historical Radio and Broadcasting Society. I'd like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to the many people that contributed to the success the club enjoyed for many years. If I try to start naming people - I'll undoubtedly leave someone out - and that I wouldn't want to do. Those of you who helped along the way - you know who you are - you have my sincerest thanks and gratitude. It's not a happy day when an organization like this must be dissolved... but reality has won out. In the last couple of years the hobby has undergone significant changes - spear-headed by on-line trading on the Internet - and lessor by more subtle changes in our own lives. As demands on our time have us all stretched into so many different directions - time for club and similar activities diminishes until it's gone. As participation in this club has fallen to it's lowest level in the club's history - it's time to take the appropriate action. I hope that those of you who still have an active interest in the hobby will join and support other clubs. When I started this club 8 years ago - I was really just trying to join the Alabama Historical Radio Club. Don Kresge "talked" me into starting this club instead. So now 8 years later - my "dues" will finally make it over there. What I will miss the most - are the club members. We've met many wonderful people - and made many friends - I hope we can keep in touch - and get together every so often. Randy Guttery, Past President Broadcasting Society February 1991 - April 1999 | |
Randy Guttery | President 1991-1999 |
Ken Rainey | Vice President 1991-1992 |
Bryan Tennyson | Vice President 1992-1993 |
Bill Gerk | Vice President 1994-1999 |
Sherry Guttery | Secretary 1991-1999 |
Randy Corbin | Treasurer 1991-1993 |
Sherry Guttery | Treasurer 1994-1999 |
Farrar Grisham | Master At Arms 1991-1999 |
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Copyright© 1999 The Mississippi Historical Radio and Broadcasting Society. |